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Nancy Collins

Professional Organizer

I Love Spring! Here’s a Little Help
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Don't be afraid. Nancy can help create more calm and less chaos.

Spring is the perfect time to deep clean, organize, and declutter your house. Fresh and Clean makes it so much more enjoyable. If you choose one room a day you will be done in a week! That way it is not overwhelming…a little a day goes a long way!

Decluttering the Living Room

  1. Browse through all DVD’s and movies. Eliminate any empty cases (you can recycle them) and donate any you no longer watch. Most libraries love them to sell in their used bookstores—do you know that money raised in those bookstores help fund library programs that cities have cut funding for? Discard any severely scratched or damaged.
  2. Comb through shelves. Are there any “knickknacks” you don’t care for anymore? Donate them
  3. Sort through books and magazines. Old magazines should be recycled and any books you have read may be donated. Many places need books: senior living facilities, and of course libraries love them!
  4. Sort through drawers of end tables. Remove any loose papers, old remotes, etc. or unnecessary items.
  5. Electronics: do you really need 6 sets of headphones or chargers? Old batteries? Go through your remotes and change all the batteries every spring and fall—done!

Decluttering the Kitchen

  1. Remove any expired items or old and unused items from the pantry.
  2. Toss any half-empty boxes that may have accumulated in the pantry or cabinets
  3. Toss any old or unused spices as they are most likely not fresh or good for use anymore.
  4. Sort through kitchen towels. Remove heavily stained or torn towels. Add them to your rag bag for cleaning.
  5. Comb through dishes, and remove any cracked or chipped pieces
  6. Empty all drawers and remove any broken or unused tools or appliances. Toss or donate unused ones
  7. Cleaning out your “junk drawer” (you know you have one, LOL) is a great job to do while you are on the phone!

Decluttering the Home Office

  1. Toss any receipts more than a year old unless you need them for taxes. File those.
  2. Comb through filing cabinets or filing folders, eliminating any items that no longer have value or n4. Shred any documents containing personal information
  3. Throw away any bills more than a year old. Better yet, why keep them anyway if you don’t need them? All those bills are online with the original sender! A paper shredder is perfect for shredding documents with personal information.

Decluttering the Bathrooms

  1. Toss any half empty containers and duplicate items. Combine if necessary.
  2. Toss any makeup or cosmetics more than a year old
  3. Remove any items that don’t serve a purpose from the bathroom counter and sink area
  4. Sort through bathroom towels. Remove heavily stained or torn towels. Add them to your rag bag for cleaning. Or donate them to your local animal shelter or vets office. They always use them!

Decluttering the Bedrooms

  1. Clear dresser tops of anything that doesn’t serve a daily function.
  2. Comb through drawers and closets for clothing items you no longer wear or use. Donate any items still in good condition. Consider the one-in, one-out rule, for every new item you buy, donate one you no longer wear or use.
  3. Line up shoes. Do you really wear them all? Are any scuffed or worn so that you don’t really wear them any more? Toss them or donate any you haven’t worn in the last few months.
  4. Repeat this process with accessories such as belts, scarves, purses, etc.
  5. Is anything out of place? Is there something stored in your bedroom that really belongs in another room? Relocate it.

Decluttering the Toy Rooms

  1. Missing or broken pieces of toys or games? Time to go!
  2. Donate any toys that haven’t been played with in the past 56 months. This can be hard for kids, either do it when they are gone or have them be part of the process with phrases like :”I bet there is another boy or girl somewhere who would love to have this can we share it with them?”
  3. Remove any non-toy items and put them where they belong.
  4. Donate old unread or no longer read books to the library bookstores.

When you are ready to start decluttering, use this post as a guide to accomplish the task room by room. By doing so you will find that you do a more through job, and the process can be done in less time since you are staying focused. Give these tips a try and enjoy a clutter-free space this spring! Of course if it’s overwhelming for you don’t be afraid to ask for help from family members or a professional

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