We all love summer, but let's face it, summer toys take on a life of their own sometimes. It's a catch 22: we want our kids and family members to get outside (especially this year), but dealing with things like pool toys, beach toys, and athletic gear can be a bit of a headache. Here are some thoughts to organize your family's fun and keep track of Summer Toys:

If you have a pool (or even if your kids love to run in the sprinklers), you know that pretty soon towels are everywhere. A simple PVC Pipe towel holder for the outdoors can be made for about $30-$40, and stored away when you are done with summer fun. This is a great website for all kinds of things DIY, and here is a link that shows how to actually make it: https://www.hometalk.com/diy/build/furniture/outdoor-pool-towel-rack-43470852?

Outdoor water play toys can be hard to store too; you want to make sure they drain properly before they are used again. I am a fan of those large storage bucket-type things (I think I get mine at Target/Walmart), they are inexpensive. Hint: Drill several holes in the bottom so the toys can drain properly. And a storage shelf that is heavy duty plastic is your best bet to store them on. Several Home Improvement Stores sell them, they go together in about 10 minutes, and once again, break down for storage at the end of the season. Here's an idea I found on Pinterest, can't wait to try it!

Don't forget the sunscreen! This little bucket from the dollar store makes it easy to keep outside so they remember to keep sunscreen applied. The bucket was $1, and at this price it's a good idea to keep one outside and one in the car!

Summer time is family time. Keeping things organized and stored helps it be even more fun! No tears because someone can't find something, or soggy toys full of yucky water. Dry towels and lots of sunscreen keep everyone happy. ENJOY!!