There are so many hidden costs to a cluttered environment that you may not have thought about. Some are dollar wasters, others are energy zappers and of course time wasters:
The Hidden Costs of Clutter
Money is just the start

There are obvious money wasters :
- *Expired Products like food and makeup
- *Duplicate items
- *Eating out (counters too cluttered to cook)
- *Wear and tear on your car because you can't park it in the garage
- *Storage Unit cost
- *Storage items: clothing racks, bins, etc.
Emotional Costs of Clutter

One of the biggest costs: FRUSTRATION
You or a family member can't find what you need.
Things get in the way when you are looking for something else
Irritated with family members, and even blame them
Another emotional cost is OVERWHELM
When thinking about getting organized it's too much to think about.You don't know where to start. Sometimes you might feel paralyzed, or even even trapped. this can lead to other effects including: Lack of MOTIVATION.
How about MISSED OPPORTUNITIES for FUN ("where's the concert/baseball/hockey game tickets?"). I actually had a client one time who missed a flight to Europe because she couldn't find her passport (it was under her bed). And let's not forget its companion issue: WASTED TIME looking for things.

A huge issue I encounter with some of my clients is EMBARRASSMENT. They don't want guests in their house. Their family is getting on them. Some even refuse to have repairmen come to the home to fix things because they don't want anyone to see the clutter. This often leads to SADNESS, DEPRESSION, and ISOLATION.

And of course, let's not forget about STRESS. I don't need any more stress in my life, do you?
All these costs add up to a less fulfilling life. If you are dealing with any of these "costs" in your life, take a deep breath and give yourself some grace. Start small. Don't fix everything at once. Fix one thing. Then another. One of my favorite authors is Elizabeth Elliot. She and her family were missionaries. When her husband was killed by violent Auca Indians, she was left in a strange place, where she didn't know the language, and small children. When asked how she managed she said "I got up every day and just focused on doing the next thing. Whatever it was, I did the next thing". Do the next thing. We can help.
It's Not About the Stuff....