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Nancy Collins

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Need to start to Organize? It’s OK to ask for Help…

For the past few months we’ve been highlighting some of the areas that my clients struggle with starting their organizing journey. Today’s post is your permission to take the first step: getting organized is a process, not a destination. Just as raising kids is not a one time endeavor, you will have starts and stops. …

Need to start to Organize? It’s OK to ask for Help… Read More »


10 Minutes to Keeping your Pantry Organized Once and For All–it’s Easier than you Think!

It’s true: an Organized Pantry saves you money! When I am asked to help organize someone’s kitchen the pantry is always the first area that needs the most help. Here’s the easiest way to get it in shape, and once you get it organized, here’s a few easy tips to keep it that way: 1) …

10 Minutes to Keeping your Pantry Organized Once and For All–it’s Easier than you Think! Read More »